• Locating cells by coords is a very important feature of a deshword. If you take it out it will be different puzzle.
  • To get a hint you should apply some effort instead of getting it for free.
  • Coordinates of a cell can be given partially if it looks too easy. This is more fun.
  • One can make a mistake when locating a cell by coords then deshword will likely not be solved until it fixed. This adds difficulty.
  • Time spent to get a hint is a penalty time for getting a hint.
  • Deshword can be printed on a sheet of paper. You can't make letters appear by request on a single sheet of paper without tricks.
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Don't be lazy to write your own clues. Take these advices to make a good puzzle. Use a link labeled as 'Find clue for word' in 'Add clue/answer' form if you need some inspiration.
Choose 'Non-numric' coords type when making a deshword.
Until deshword is not published it is visible only for you. To publish your deshword and make it visible for others contact us.
You can organize a contest for creators or for solvers. Created deshwords' parameters will help to evaluate them. We can advise on this. Ranking system provided to evaluate solutions. Deshwords created for contests have a special level of access. If you want to organize a contest contact us.